lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2017


Puff The Magic Dragon song

Puff The Magic Dragon song (with lyrics)

Puff The Magic Dragon

The Mystery of Loch Ness Monster

The Loch Ness Monster

The Loch Ness Monster

Lochness Monster Song

Monster and Dumpling, un cortometraje de animación infantil

En un país muy lejano había un monstruo que tenía mucha hambre y un niño que... ¿Os animáis a ver cómo continúa la historia?

The Greedy Monster

There Was Once A greedy monster. He was always....well, hungry. He would eat everything he could eat everything he got his hands on. That greedy monster just ate everything.  He ate books, puzzles even the buildings!!!! So one day the monster was walking along the street, very greedy and while he was walking along, he saw something he had never seen before.  It was a little boy crying. The monsters heart softened. And they turned out to be good friends.

Pincha en la imagen para ver el vídeo

Pincha en la imagen para ver el vídeo

Pincha en la imagen para leer el cuento

Pincha en la imagen para jugar

St Valentine´s Day!!!!!!